Week by week

You will find the course announcements and daily activities here.

Week 1 : Sept 30 - Oct 6

Class 1

  1. Course introduction slides
  2. Set up of GitHub repository for in-class coding sessions.
  3. Covered Python review up to the end of the variables section.
Preparation for Wednesday class (October 2)
  1. In your EDS-220/eds220-2024-in-class directory, create a new Python notebook called week1-pandas-series.ipynb.
  2. Read the notes chapter on pandas series data frames and follow along with the code.
  3. Solve the check-in exercises. We’ll present these during class.
  4. Make a summary of the lesson. What are the most important concepts or ideas?

Class 2

  1. Finished Python review.
  2. Student presentations of pandas.Series and pandas.DataFrames exercises

Discussion section

There’s no setup for this week’s discussion section. We’ll follow the materials in Discussion Section 1.

Week 2 : Oct 7 - Oct 13

Class 3

  1. Completed the following activity to add the data/ directory to the .gitignore file of the EDS-220/in-class-notebooks/ directory.


  1. Download the CSV file wetlands_seasonal_bird_diversity.csv from our shared drive.

  2. In the workbench 1 server, inside your EDS-220/in-class-notebooks/ directory, create a new directory called data.

  3. Using the file navigation panel, upload the wetlands_seasonal_bird_diversity.csv file to the data/ directory.

In the terminal:

  1. Verify you are in the in-class-notebooks/ directory by using pwd. Your output should look like this:
  1. Run git status. At the end of the output you’ll see:
Untracked files:
  (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)

This means git knows the data/ directory exists and we have the risk of adding it to a commit.

  1. Run ls to see the files in the directory. Your output will look like this, notice the .gitiginore file is not listed:
README.md  week1-lesson1-python-review.ipynb
data       week1-lesson3-pandas-subsetting.ipynb
  1. Run ls -a to see all files in the directory, including hidden files (those that start with a period .). At this point, your output will look like this:
.                   README.md
..                  data
.git                week1-lesson1-python-review.ipynb
.gitignore          week1-lesson3-pandas-subsetting.ipynb
  1. Run nano .gitignore. This will open the .gitignore file in the nano editor.

  2. Add the data/ folder to the .gitignore file by adding this text at the top of the file:

# Ignore the 'data' directory
  1. Once you have made your changes, save the file:
  • In nano, press CTRL + O (the letter O, not zero) to save.
  • Press Enter to confirm the file name (.gitignore).
  1. Exit the editor by pressing CTRL + X.

  2. Run less .gitignore to scroll through the .gitignore file and verify the changes are there.

  • Use the arrow keys or Page Up/Page Down to scroll through the file.
  • Press q to exit.
  1. Run git status and check the output. The data/ directroy will no longer be listed!

  2. Commit and push your changes to the .gitignore.

  1. Covered pandas subsetting notes up to selecting rows using a condition.
Preparation for Wednesday class (October 9)
  1. In your EDS-220/eds220-2024-in-class directory, create a new Python notebook called week2-basic-plotting.ipynb.
  2. Read the notes on basic plotting up to and including the “updating the index” section and follow along with the code.
  3. Solve the check-in exercises. We’ll present these during class.
  4. Make a summary of this part of the lesson. What are the most important concepts or ideas?

Class 4

  1. Finished pandas subsetting notes.
  2. Student presentations of basic plotting exercises
  3. Covered basic plotting up to scatter plots. The last two sections, about bar plots and histograms were assigned as reading.

Discussion section


Complete steps 1,2 and 3 of the second discussion section to load the data before the discussion section. You’ll be working on exercises 4-9 during section, so it is important that you have the data ready to go tomorrow.

Check-in with your discussion section teams via Slack just to make sure you’re all ready! :raised_hands:

Homework announcements

Rename homework notebooks before uploading them to Gradescope

For your upcoming assignment submission, you’ll be downloading your notebooks and then uploading them to Gradescope. Before you upload your finished notebooks to Gradescope, please rename your notebooks so they are called

  • hwk1-task2-corals-YOURLASTNAME.ipynb and
  • hwk1-task3-earthquakes-YOURLASTNAME.ipynb.

It’s important to do this so we can keep track of resubmissions.


Updates to Gradescope’s autograder

Here’s updates about how auto-grading will work in this first assignment:

  • If you want to know your autograder score at any point, you may upload your notebook to the Homework 1 Task 2 - AUTOGRADER CHECK ONLY or Homework 1 Task 3 - AUTOGRADER CHECK ONLY assignments on gradescope.
    • Once you submit your assignment, you will be able to see your total score for the auto-grading, not the score for individual questions.
    • If you don’t have a 20/20 score in your auto-grade questions, it means there is some mistake with your code and you should go back and review it. If you can’t figure out where the issue is, discuss it with other people (first option always!), come see Annie or Carmen during OH, or use Slack.
  • The AUTOGRADER CHECK ONLY assignments on gradescope are strictly for you to see how you did on the assignment. We will not be using these grades at all
  • You must still submit your final assignment to the Homework 1- Task 2 - Corals and Homework 1 - Task 3 - Earthquakes assignment
  • Make sure you’re keeping up with your classmate’s questions and answers on Slack.
  • When submitting your final notebook, please make sure to follow the instructions above regarding how to name the notebook

Thanks for your patience as we work through these initial Autograder kinks!

Week 3 : Oct 14 - Oct 20

Class 5

  1. Covered updating dataframes up to first example of SettingWithCopyWarning.
Preparation for Wednesday class (October 16)
  1. In your EDS-220/eds220-2024-in-class directory, create a new Python notebook called week3-groupby.ipynb.
  2. Read the notes chapter on grouping and follow along with the code.
  3. Summarize the lesson and solve the check-in exercise. We’ll present these during class.

Class 6

  1. Finished updating dataframes notes.

  2. Went over how to update the message in the last commit when it hasn’t been pushed yet using

git commit --amend -m "NEW MESSAGE"
  1. Discussion of grouping notes by students.

  2. Covered conda environments notes up to exercise 7.

Discussion section

Load data before section

Complete steps 1,2 and 3 of the third discussion section to load the data before the discussion section. You’ll be working on exercises 4-8 during section, so it is important that you have the data ready to go tomorrow.

Check-in with your discussion section teams via Slack just to make sure you’re all ready!

Week 4 : Oct 21 - Oct 27

Class 7

  1. Built conda environment for the course.
  1. Open VSCode on your computer.

  2. Clone your eds220-2024-in-class GitHub repository. You can do it using the command palette.

  3. Download the following YAML file and move it to the top of your eds220-2024-in-class local directory: https://github.com/MEDS-eds-220/MEDS-eds-220-course/blob/main/eds-220-env.yml

  4. Open a terminal inside VSCode and in it:

  1. Verify you are in the eds220-2024-in-class directory.
  2. Verify that the eds-220-env.yml file is in the directory.
  3. Run the following conda command to build the environment used for the course:
conda env create --name eds220-env --file eds-220-env.yml

It will take about 10 minutes to build the environment. Once conda has finished, verify that the environment is listed. Inside VSCode, you’ll be able to select the eds220-env kernel to run your notebooks.

  1. Covered time series notes.
Preparation for Wednesday class (October 23)

Read the notes on coordinate reference systems and vector data formats. Most of it should be reciew from EDS 223. We will have some questions to test your understanding of key concepts at the start of the next class.

Class 8

Covered geopandas notes.

Discussion section

No work to do ahead of the discussion section.

Week 5 : Oct 28 - Nov 3

Class 9

  • Deleted previous eds220-env conda environment in your local computer.
  • Created a new one using this YAML file, name it eds220-env (that’s why you shoul delete the old one).
  • Loaded data to cover notes on for loops

Class 10

Office hour update

Carmen’s office hour today will be 3-4 at her office. Thank you!

Preparation for Monday class (November 4)

Read notes on data merging

Discussion section

No work to do ahead of the discussion section.

Week 6 : Nov 4 - Nov 10

Class 11

Preparation for Wednesday class (November 6)

Finish reading functions notes and prepare exercie at the end of section.

Class 12

We started from a pre-filled notebook that students transferred to their in-class coding directory via the terminal. The pre-filled notebook is in this location in workbench-1:


The general bash command to copy a file is:

cp /path/to/source/file /path/to/destination/

Discussion section

  • First activity will be solving the short exercise at the end of Monday’s lesson (green box).

  • The rest of the discussion section will be used to work on assignment 3 with your teams. Please come in with the data loaded into your notebooks.

Week 7 : Nov 11 - Nov 17

There’s no class on Monday, November 11

It’s Veteran’s day. Enjoy the long weekend!

Class 13

We started from a pre-filled notebook that students transferred to their in-class coding directory via the terminal. The pre-filled notebook is in this path in workbench-1:


The general bash command to copy a file is:

cp /path/to/source/file /path/to/destination/

So to copy the file into your current working directory use the command:

cp /courses/EDS220/student_notebooks/week-7-clipping-STUDENTS.ipynb week-7-clipping-STUDENTS.ipynb

Discussion section

No work to do ahead of the discussion section.

Week 8: Nov 18 - Nov 24

Class 14

We started from a pre-filled notebook that students transferred into their in-class coding directory via the terminal. To copy the file into your current working directory use the command:

cp /courses/EDS220/student_notebooks/week-8-xarray-STUDENTS.ipynb week-8-xarray-STUDENTS.ipynb

Class 15

We started from a pre-filled notebook that students transferred into their in-class coding directory via the terminal. To copy the file into your current working directory use the command:

cp /courses/EDS220/student_notebooks/week-8-rioxarray-STUDENTS.ipynb week-8-rioxarray-STUDENTS.ipynb

Discussion section

This discussion section will be used to work on assignment 4 with your teams. Please come in with the data loaded into your notebooks.

Week 9: Nov 25 - Nov 31

We had hybrid lectures this week.

Class 16

We started from a pre-filled notebook that students transferred into their in-class coding directory via the terminal. To copy the file into your current working directory use the command:

cp /courses/EDS220/student_notebooks/week-9-STAC-STUDENTS.ipynb week-9-STAC-STUDENTS.ipynb

Class 17

We started from a pre-filled notebook at this location in workbench-1:


The exercises at the end of the lesson can be included in the final project blog post (greatly encouraged!).

Week 10: Dec 1 - Dec 8

The first draft for the final project’s blog post is due this Wednesday.

Class 18